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to the Tompkins County Climate Protection Initiative

Will Lead Effort to Implement Tompkins Energy Strategy

The expanded Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee of the Tompkins County Legislature voted on Tuesday, October 27, 2021 to create a Chief Sustainability Officer position. The Legislators unanimously approved an amendment to the 2021 budget adding the position.

The County’s Chief Sustainability Officer will lead internal efforts to implement the County’s Energy Strategy, including ambitious reductions in greenhouse gas emissions generated by County facilities and vehicle fleets. The Chief Sustainability Officer will also advise on emerging energy policy in New York State energy and climate policy as well as water resource planning.

Undertaking this work will allow the County Department of Planning and Sustainability to focus more staff time to two priority areas: 1) tracking and advising on emerging policy and regulatory changes in New York State, such as implementation of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, siting for large-scale renewable energy generation and storage facilities, and Public Service Commission proceedings relevant to the County and local municipalities; and 2) developing plans, grants, and programs to better protect water resources in the County.

Legislators Martha Robertson (D-Dryden) and Deborah Dawson (D-Lansing) first proposed the amendment to create a Chief Sustainability Officer position in County Administration and led the effort to get it approved.

The amendment passed 13-0, with Legislator Anna Kelles (D-Ithaca) excused.

- TCCPI Newsletter, September-October 2020

County Approves New Chief Sustainability Officer Position