Ithaca Tompkins Airport Receives "Going Green" Award

The Sustainable Master Plan for Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport received the 2011 "Airports Going Green" (ASG) award on October 31 at the fourth annual Airports Going Green Conference in Chicago, IL.

Chicago's Deputy Commissioner of Aviation for Sustainability, Amy Malick, noted that the award recognizes the Ithaca Airport Sustainable Master Plan as an important and groundbreaking project, and she lauded the airport's "outstanding leadership in pursuit of sustainability within the aviation industry."

"I am delighted to receive this award and happy to play a part in the Sustainable Master Plan initiative," said Airport Manager Bob Nicholas, a member of the TCCPI coalition. "As the first of its kind, I believe it deserves this kind of recognition, particularly since it has led to a pilot program involving many other airports, and is likely to be the way airport master plans are done from this point on." Students from Cornell University and Ithaca College participated in the development of the plan.

"This Plan is consistent with Tompkins County's efforts to maintain green and sustainable standards in all our operations," observed Carol Chock, chair of the County's Facilities and Infrastructure Committee. "Bob's work shows it is possible to achieve sustainability-and that those efforts help, not hinder, the ability of local government to run efficiently and in a fiscally sustainable manner."


309 North Aurora Street | Ithaca, NY 14850 |

Ithaca Tompkins Airport


to the Tompkins County Climate Protection Initiative